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On behalf of the Division of Student Affairs, thank you for your generous support! Your gift will assist in fulfilling the mission of Northeastern University’s Division of Student Affairs to cultivate well-prepared global citizens, promote well-being, and equip learners with the skills necessary to engage diverse communities. 

With core values of excellence, innovation and empathy, we are made up of many departments and offices that provide a distinctive Northeastern experience focused on integrity, wellness and inclusivity.  Your gift will help us to help students succeed. 

To learn more about what the Division of Student Affairs has to offer, please visit our page:

Thank you,

Madeleine Estabrook, Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

Related Funds

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Center for Spirituality, Dialogue, and Service Fund
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Chabad Fund
Give Now Chabad Fund
Club - Pitch, Please!
Give Now Club - Pitch, Please!
Club - Aaroh
Give Now Club - Aaroh
Club - Acting Out
Give Now Club - Acting Out
Club - Active Minds
Give Now Club - Active Minds
Club - Addiction Support and Awareness Group
Give Now Club - Addiction Support and Awareness Group
Club - Adopted Student Organization
Give Now Club - Adopted Student Organization
Club - African Graduate Student Association
Give Now Club - African Graduate Student Association
Club - African Student Organization
Give Now Club - African Student Organization
Club - Agape Christian Fellowship
Give Now Club - Agape Christian Fellowship
Club - Alliance for Diversity in Science and Engineering
Give Now Club - Alliance for Diversity in Science and Engineering
Club - Alpha Kappa Psi
Give Now Club - Alpha Kappa Psi
Club - Alpha Phi Omega
Give Now Club - Alpha Phi Omega
Club - Alpha Phi Sigma Criminal Justice Honor Society: Omega Epsilon
Give Now Club - Alpha Phi Sigma Criminal Justice Honor Society: Omega Epsilon
Club - American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists Student Special Interest Group
Give Now Club - American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists Student Special Interest Group
Club - American Cancer Society On Campus
Give Now Club - American Cancer Society On Campus
Club - American Chemical Society
Give Now Club - American Chemical Society
Club - American College of Clinical Pharmacy
Give Now Club - American College of Clinical Pharmacy
Club - American Institute of Architecture Students
Give Now Club - American Institute of Architecture Students
Club - American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Give Now Club - American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Club - American Medical Student Association
Give Now Club - American Medical Student Association
Club - American Medical Women’s Association
Give Now Club - American Medical Women’s Association
Club - American Society of Civil Engineers
Give Now Club - American Society of Civil Engineers
Club - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Give Now Club - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Club - Anime of NU
Give Now Club - Anime of NU
Club - Armenian Student Association
Give Now Club - Armenian Student Association
Club - Art Blanche at NEU
Give Now Club - Art Blanche at NEU
Club - Art4All
Give Now Club - Art4All
Club - Artificial Intelligence Club
Give Now Club - Artificial Intelligence Club
Club - Artistry Magazine
Give Now Club - Artistry Magazine
Club - Asian Pacific American Law Student Association
Give Now Club - Asian Pacific American Law Student Association
Club - Asian Scientist & Engineers
Give Now Club - Asian Scientist & Engineers
Club - Asian Student Union
Give Now Club - Asian Student Union
Club - ASLA Adapt
Give Now Club - ASLA Adapt
Club - Aspiring Product Managers Club
Give Now Club - Aspiring Product Managers Club
Club - Association of Latino Professionals for America
Give Now Club - Association of Latino Professionals for America
Club - Association of Public Policy Students
Give Now Club - Association of Public Policy Students
Club - Automotive
Give Now Club - Automotive
Club - Baja SAE Northeastern
Give Now Club - Baja SAE Northeastern
Club - Bake It Till You Make It
Give Now Club - Bake It Till You Make It
Club - Ballroom Dance
Give Now Club - Ballroom Dance
Club - Baltic Northeastern Association
Give Now Club - Baltic Northeastern Association
Club - Bangladeshi Organization of Networking, Diversity, Heritage, Unity and Support
Give Now Club - Bangladeshi Organization of Networking, Diversity, Heritage, Unity and Support
Club - BAPS Campus Fellowship
Give Now Club - BAPS Campus Fellowship
Club - Barkada of Northeastern University
Give Now Club - Barkada of Northeastern University
Club - Be The Match NEU
Give Now Club - Be The Match NEU
Club - Bee Society
Give Now Club - Bee Society
Club - Best Buddies
Give Now Club - Best Buddies
Club - Big Sister Boston Northeastern
Give Now Club - Big Sister Boston Northeastern
Club - BioChemistry
Give Now Club - BioChemistry
Club - Bioengineering Graduate Student Council
Give Now Club - Bioengineering Graduate Student Council
Club - Biokind Analytics Northeastern
Give Now Club - Biokind Analytics Northeastern
Club - Biology
Give Now Club - Biology
Club - Biomedical Engineering Society
Give Now Club - Biomedical Engineering Society
Club - Biomedical Orthopedic Networking & Educational Society
Give Now Club - Biomedical Orthopedic Networking & Educational Society
Club - Bipartisan Disagreement
Give Now Club - Bipartisan Disagreement
Club - Black Business Student Association
Give Now Club - Black Business Student Association
Club - Black Christian Fellowship
Give Now Club - Black Christian Fellowship
Club - Black Engineering Student Society
Give Now Club - Black Engineering Student Society
Club - Black Graduate Student Association
Give Now Club - Black Graduate Student Association
Club - Black Islamic Association
Give Now Club - Black Islamic Association
Club - Black Law Student Association, Kemet Chapter
Give Now Club - Black Law Student Association, Kemet Chapter
Club - Black Student Association
Give Now Club - Black Student Association
Club - Blockchain Organization
Give Now Club - Blockchain Organization
Club - Bluegrass and Fiddle Club
Give Now Club - Bluegrass and Fiddle Club
Club - Boston Health Initiative at Northeastern
Give Now Club - Boston Health Initiative at Northeastern
Club - Botanical Society
Give Now Club - Botanical Society
Club - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Give Now Club - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Club - Brazilian Student Association
Give Now Club - Brazilian Student Association
Club - Bull and Bear
Give Now Club - Bull and Bear
Club - Burmese Student Association
Give Now Club - Burmese Student Association
Club - Business of Entertainment
Give Now Club - Business of Entertainment
Club - Cape Verdean Student Association
Give Now Club - Cape Verdean Student Association
Club - Caribbean Students
Give Now Club - Caribbean Students
Club - Catholic Student Association
Give Now Club - Catholic Student Association
Club - Chabad
Give Now Club - Chabad
Club - Changing Health, Attitudes, and Actions to Recreate Girls
Give Now Club - Changing Health, Attitudes, and Actions to Recreate Girls
Club - Cheese
Give Now Club - Cheese
Club - Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Council
Give Now Club - Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Council
Club - Chess
Give Now Club - Chess
Club - Chinese Christian Fellowship
Give Now Club - Chinese Christian Fellowship
Club - Chinese Language Table
Give Now Club - Chinese Language Table
Club - Chinese Markets
Give Now Club - Chinese Markets
Club - Chinese Students & Scholars Association
Give Now Club - Chinese Students & Scholars Association
Club - Choral Society
Give Now Club - Choral Society
Club - Circle K
Give Now Club - Circle K
Club - Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Student Council
Give Now Club - Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Student Council
Club - Clay Cave
Give Now Club - Clay Cave
Club - Code 4 Community
Give Now Club - Code 4 Community
Club - COE PhD Council
Give Now Club - COE PhD Council
Club - COExist
Give Now Club - COExist
Club - College Democrats
Give Now Club - College Democrats
Club - College of Science Student Diversity Advisory Council
Give Now Club - College of Science Student Diversity Advisory Council
Club - College Republicans
Give Now Club - College Republicans
Club - Color Guard
Give Now Club - Color Guard
Club - ColorStack at Northeastern
Give Now Club - ColorStack at Northeastern
Club - Community Palette
Give Now Club - Community Palette
Club - ConnectEd Research
Give Now Club - ConnectEd Research
Club - Consulting and Advisory Student Experience
Give Now Club - Consulting and Advisory Student Experience
Club - Cooking
Give Now Club - Cooking
Club - Coptic Orthodox Student Fellowship
Give Now Club - Coptic Orthodox Student Fellowship
Club - CoSMO - Computer Science Mentoring
Give Now Club - CoSMO - Computer Science Mentoring
Club - Council For University Programs
Give Now Club - Council For University Programs
Club - Covid Response Project
Give Now Club - Covid Response Project
Club - Criminal Justice Student Advisory Counsel
Give Now Club - Criminal Justice Student Advisory Counsel
Club - Criminology-Criminal Justice Graduate Student Association
Give Now Club - Criminology-Criminal Justice Graduate Student Association
Club - Critical Corporate Theory Lab
Give Now Club - Critical Corporate Theory Lab
Club - Cruelty-Free Northeastern
Give Now Club - Cruelty-Free Northeastern
Club - Crystal Clear
Give Now Club - Crystal Clear
Club - CTF
Give Now Club - CTF
Club - Cultural and Language Learning Society
Give Now Club - Cultural and Language Learning Society
Club - Dance Company
Give Now Club - Dance Company
Club - Data
Give Now Club - Data
Club - Data Science Hub at Northeastern
Give Now Club - Data Science Hub at Northeastern
Club - Delta Sigma Pi
Give Now Club - Delta Sigma Pi
Club - Dermatology Interest Society
Give Now Club - Dermatology Interest Society
Club - Digital Health
Give Now Club - Digital Health
Club - Digital Illustration Association
Give Now Club - Digital Illustration Association
Club - Disability in Business Society
Give Now Club - Disability in Business Society
Club - Disrupt - The FinTech Initiative
Give Now Club - Disrupt - The FinTech Initiative
Club - Distilled Harmony A Cappella
Give Now Club - Distilled Harmony A Cappella
Club - Diversability: The Disability Alliance
Give Now Club - Diversability: The Disability Alliance
Club - DIY Craft
Give Now Club - DIY Craft
Club - Dollars & Sense
Give Now Club - Dollars & Sense
Club - Dominican Student Association
Give Now Club - Dominican Student Association
Club - Downhillers Ski and Snowboard
Give Now Club - Downhillers Ski and Snowboard
Club - Dragon & Lion Dance Troupe
Give Now Club - Dragon & Lion Dance Troupe
Club - DREAM Program
Give Now Club - DREAM Program
Club - EconPRESS
Give Now Club - EconPRESS
Club - EcoScholars
Give Now Club - EcoScholars
Club - Electric Racing at Northeastern University
Give Now Club - Electric Racing at Northeastern University
Club - Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) PhD Student Association
Give Now Club - Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) PhD Student Association
Club - Elite Heat
Give Now Club - Elite Heat
Give Now Club - EMPOWER
Club - Encounter Every Nation Campus Ministries
Give Now Club - Encounter Every Nation Campus Ministries
Club - EndOverdose Huskies
Give Now Club - EndOverdose Huskies
Club - Energy Systems Society
Give Now Club - Energy Systems Society
Club - Engineers Without Borders - Northeastern University
Give Now Club - Engineers Without Borders - Northeastern University
Club - English Graduate Student Association
Give Now Club - English Graduate Student Association
Club - Entrepreneur & Innovators
Give Now Club - Entrepreneur & Innovators
Club - Environmental Science and Policy Leaders for the Environment
Give Now Club - Environmental Science and Policy Leaders for the Environment
Club - Eon Dance Troupe
Give Now Club - Eon Dance Troupe
Club - Epsilon Eta
Give Now Club - Epsilon Eta
Club - Ethiopian and Eritrean Student Association
Give Now Club - Ethiopian and Eritrean Student Association
Club - Evolve
Give Now Club - Evolve
Club - Family Business Consulting Club
Give Now Club - Family Business Consulting Club
Club - Fashion & Retail Society
Give Now Club - Fashion & Retail Society
Club - Fellowship and Manhood
Give Now Club - Fellowship and Manhood
Club - Feminism for People of Color
Give Now Club - Feminism for People of Color
Club - Feminist Student Organization
Give Now Club - Feminist Student Organization
Club - Fiction Addiction Book Club
Give Now Club - Fiction Addiction Book Club
Club - Fighting Game
Give Now Club - Fighting Game
Club - Film Enthusiast’s
Give Now Club - Film Enthusiast’s
Club - Finance & Investment
Give Now Club - Finance & Investment
Club - Finance for the Community
Give Now Club - Finance for the Community
Club - First and Foremost Literary Magazine
Give Now Club - First and Foremost Literary Magazine
Club - First Generation Low Income Student Union
Give Now Club - First Generation Low Income Student Union
Club - FIRST Robotics Team 125 - The NUTRONs
Give Now Club - FIRST Robotics Team 125 - The NUTRONs
Club - FirstByte
Give Now Club - FirstByte
Club - Food Allergy Awareness Club
Give Now Club - Food Allergy Awareness Club
Club - Food for Boston
Give Now Club - Food for Boston
Club - Food Recovery Network
Give Now Club - Food Recovery Network
Club - Francophone
Give Now Club - Francophone
Club - Friends of MSF at Northeastern University
Give Now Club - Friends of MSF at Northeastern University
Club - Game Development
Give Now Club - Game Development
Club - Game Studio
Give Now Club - Game Studio
Club - Gaming Enthusiasts
Give Now Club - Gaming Enthusiasts
Club - Genetic Counseling Student Interest Group
Give Now Club - Genetic Counseling Student Interest Group
Club - German Society
Give Now Club - German Society
Club - Ghanaian Student Organization
Give Now Club - Ghanaian Student Organization
Club - Give a Hand
Give Now Club - Give a Hand
Club - Global Business Law Club
Give Now Club - Global Business Law Club
Club - Global Journal for International Affairs
Give Now Club - Global Journal for International Affairs
Club - Global Medical Brigades
Give Now Club - Global Medical Brigades
Club - GlobeMed
Give Now Club - GlobeMed
Club - Goldies Dance Team
Give Now Club - Goldies Dance Team
Club - Google Developer Circle Student’s Club - (Northeastern Boston)
Give Now Club - Google Developer Circle Student’s Club - (Northeastern Boston)
Club - Graduate Asian Baptist Student Koinonia
Give Now Club - Graduate Asian Baptist Student Koinonia
Club - Graduate Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Association
Give Now Club - Graduate Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Association
Club - Graduate Consulting Club
Give Now Club - Graduate Consulting Club
Club - Graduate Female Leaders
Give Now Club - Graduate Female Leaders
Club - Graduate Sikh Students Association at Northeastern
Give Now Club - Graduate Sikh Students Association at Northeastern
Club - Graduate Structural Engineering Association
Give Now Club - Graduate Structural Engineering Association
Club - Graduate Student Fitness Club
Give Now Club - Graduate Student Fitness Club
Club - Graduate Student Government
Give Now Club - Graduate Student Government
Club - Graduate Students of Color Collective
Give Now Club - Graduate Students of Color Collective
Club - Graduate Women Coders
Give Now Club - Graduate Women Coders
Club - Graduate Women in Science and Engineering
Give Now Club - Graduate Women in Science and Engineering
Club - Greenline Records
Give Now Club - Greenline Records
Club - Habitat for Humanity
Give Now Club - Habitat for Humanity
Club - Haitian Student Unity
Give Now Club - Haitian Student Unity
Club - Half Asian People’s Association
Give Now Club - Half Asian People’s Association
Club - Hawaii Ohana
Give Now Club - Hawaii Ohana
Club - Health Disparities Student Collaborative
Give Now Club - Health Disparities Student Collaborative
Club - Health Humanities
Give Now Club - Health Humanities
Club - Health Informatics Graduate Society
Give Now Club - Health Informatics Graduate Society
Club - Healthcare Management and Consulting
Give Now Club - Healthcare Management and Consulting
Club - Hear Your Song Northeastern
Give Now Club - Hear Your Song Northeastern
Club - Hearts for the Homeless NEU
Give Now Club - Hearts for the Homeless NEU
Club - Hellenic Society of Northeastern University
Give Now Club - Hellenic Society of Northeastern University
Club - Her Campus
Give Now Club - Her Campus
Club - Hindu Community of Northeastern
Give Now Club - Hindu Community of Northeastern
Club - Hindu Undergraduate Student Organization
Give Now Club - Hindu Undergraduate Student Organization
Club - Historical Review
Give Now Club - Historical Review
Club - History Association
Give Now Club - History Association
Club - History Graduate Student Association
Give Now Club - History Graduate Student Association
Club - Hong Kong Student Association
Give Now Club - Hong Kong Student Association
Club - Hospitality Business
Give Now Club - Hospitality Business
Club - Human Service Organization
Give Now Club - Human Service Organization
Club - Huntington Angels Network
Give Now Club - Huntington Angels Network
Club - Huntington Strategy Group
Give Now Club - Huntington Strategy Group
Club - Huskiers & Outing
Give Now Club - Huskiers & Outing
Club - Huskies for Israel
Give Now Club - Huskies for Israel
Club - Husky Communicators
Give Now Club - Husky Communicators
Club - Husky Competitive Programming
Give Now Club - Husky Competitive Programming
Club - Husky Energy Action Team
Give Now Club - Husky Energy Action Team
Club - Husky Hemophilia Group
Give Now Club - Husky Hemophilia Group
Club - Husky Systers Code
Give Now Club - Husky Systers Code
Club - If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice
Give Now Club - If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice
Club - Illume Magazine
Give Now Club - Illume Magazine
Club - inCrease
Give Now Club - inCrease
Club - Indian Cultural Association
Give Now Club - Indian Cultural Association
Club - Indonesian Student Association
Give Now Club - Indonesian Student Association
Club - Industry Pharmacists Organization
Give Now Club - Industry Pharmacists Organization
Club - Innovators for Global Health
Give Now Club - Innovators for Global Health
Club - Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences at Northeastern University
Give Now Club - Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences at Northeastern University
Club - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Give Now Club - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Club - Interdisciplinary Women’s Council
Give Now Club - Interdisciplinary Women’s Council
Club - Interfraternity Council
Give Now Club - Interfraternity Council
Club - International Association for Intelligence Education (IAFIE) Northeastern Student Chapter
Give Now Club - International Association for Intelligence Education (IAFIE) Northeastern Student Chapter
Club - International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM)
Give Now Club - International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM)
Club - International Relations Council
Give Now Club - International Relations Council
Club - International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering
Give Now Club - International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering
Club - International Student Association
Give Now Club - International Student Association
Club - International Students in Business
Give Now Club - International Students in Business
Club - Interpreting
Give Now Club - Interpreting
Club - Intervarsity MultiEthnic Christian Fellowship
Give Now Club - Intervarsity MultiEthnic Christian Fellowship
Club - IoT Connect
Give Now Club - IoT Connect
Club - Irish Dance Club of NU
Give Now Club - Irish Dance Club of NU
Club - Islamic Society of Northeastern University
Give Now Club - Islamic Society of Northeastern University
Club - Italian
Give Now Club - Italian
Club - Japanese National Honor Society
Give Now Club - Japanese National Honor Society
Club - Japanese Student Association
Give Now Club - Japanese Student Association
Club - Jewish Student Union
Give Now Club - Jewish Student Union
Club - Journalism Graduate Caucus
Give Now Club - Journalism Graduate Caucus
Club - KADA K-Pop Dance Team
Give Now Club - KADA K-Pop Dance Team
Club - Kaliente Dance Group
Give Now Club - Kaliente Dance Group
Club - Kappa Theta Pi
Give Now Club - Kappa Theta Pi
Club - Khoury Graduate Students Association
Give Now Club - Khoury Graduate Students Association
Club - Khoury Master’s Student Council
Give Now Club - Khoury Master’s Student Council
Club - Kinematix Dance Troupe
Give Now Club - Kinematix Dance Troupe
Club - Korea Campus Crusade for Christ
Give Now Club - Korea Campus Crusade for Christ
Club - Korean American Student Association
Give Now Club - Korean American Student Association
Club - Korean International Student Association
Give Now Club - Korean International Student Association
Club - Korean Investment Society at D’Amore McKim School of Business
Give Now Club - Korean Investment Society at D’Amore McKim School of Business
Club - Korean-American Scientists and Engineers
Give Now Club - Korean-American Scientists and Engineers
Club - LatAm Business
Give Now Club - LatAm Business
Club - Latin American Law Student Association
Give Now Club - Latin American Law Student Association
Club - Latin American Student Organization
Give Now Club - Latin American Student Organization
Club - League of Legends
Give Now Club - League of Legends
Club - Lean Endeavors at Northeastern
Give Now Club - Lean Endeavors at Northeastern
Club - Lean On Me Northeastern
Give Now Club - Lean On Me Northeastern
Club - Letters of Love Northeastern
Give Now Club - Letters of Love Northeastern
Club - Line Dancing Club
Give Now Club - Line Dancing Club
Club - Live Music Association
Give Now Club - Live Music Association
Club - Lutheran-Episcopal Campus Ministry
Give Now Club - Lutheran-Episcopal Campus Ministry
Club - Malaysian-Singaporean Student Association
Give Now Club - Malaysian-Singaporean Student Association
Club - Malhar
Give Now Club - Malhar
Club - Marine Science Center Graduate Student Association
Give Now Club - Marine Science Center Graduate Student Association
Club - Marketing Association
Give Now Club - Marketing Association
Club - Math
Give Now Club - Math
Club - Mathematics Engagement and Mentorship Association
Give Now Club - Mathematics Engagement and Mentorship Association
Club - Mathematics Graduate Students Association
Give Now Club - Mathematics Graduate Students Association
Club - MEDLIFE Northeastern
Give Now Club - MEDLIFE Northeastern
Club - Menstrual Equity at Northeastern
Give Now Club - Menstrual Equity at Northeastern
Club - Mexican Student Association
Give Now Club - Mexican Student Association
Club - Minority Association of Pre-health Students
Give Now Club - Minority Association of Pre-health Students
Club - MIS
Give Now Club - MIS
Club - Mixed Student Union
Give Now Club - Mixed Student Union
Club - Mock Trial
Give Now Club - Mock Trial
Club - Multi-diverse Unified Leaders in Technology Industry
Give Now Club - Multi-diverse Unified Leaders in Technology Industry
Club - Multicultural Greek Council
Give Now Club - Multicultural Greek Council
Club - Music in Nursing Homes and Hospitals Using Entertainment as Therapy
Give Now Club - Music in Nursing Homes and Hospitals Using Entertainment as Therapy
Club - Music Production
Give Now Club - Music Production
Club - Musicheads
Give Now Club - Musicheads
Club - NAAD (Northeastern A Cappella Association for Desi Music)
Give Now Club - NAAD (Northeastern A Cappella Association for Desi Music)
Club - NakhRAAS
Give Now Club - NakhRAAS
Club - Naloxone Outreach and Education Initiative
Give Now Club - Naloxone Outreach and Education Initiative
Club - National Community Pharmacists Association
Give Now Club - National Community Pharmacists Association
Club - National Organization of Minority Architecture Students
Give Now Club - National Organization of Minority Architecture Students
Club - National Pan-Hellenic Council
Give Now Club - National Pan-Hellenic Council
Club - National Society of Black Women in Medicine
Give Now Club - National Society of Black Women in Medicine
Club - National Society of Leadership and Success
Give Now Club - National Society of Leadership and Success
Club - Net Impact
Give Now Club - Net Impact
Club - Network Science Institute Graduate Student Association
Give Now Club - Network Science Institute Graduate Student Association
Club - New England Water Environment Association
Give Now Club - New England Water Environment Association
Club - New Renaissance Theatre Company
Give Now Club - New Renaissance Theatre Company
Club - No Jokes
Give Now Club - No Jokes
Club - No Limits Dance Crew
Give Now Club - No Limits Dance Crew
Club - Noreste Ballet Company
Give Now Club - Noreste Ballet Company
Club - North African Student Association
Give Now Club - North African Student Association
Club - Northeastern Animation Students Association
Give Now Club - Northeastern Animation Students Association
Club - Northeastern Association for Women in Math Student Chapter
Give Now Club - Northeastern Association for Women in Math Student Chapter
Club - Northeastern Bhangra Team
Give Now Club - Northeastern Bhangra Team
Club - Northeastern Entertainment Systems
Give Now Club - Northeastern Entertainment Systems
Club - Northeastern Pre-Veterinary
Give Now Club - Northeastern Pre-Veterinary
Club - Northeastern Robotics
Give Now Club - Northeastern Robotics
Club - Northeastern University Knits
Give Now Club - Northeastern University Knits
Club - Northeastern University Project Management Student Organization
Give Now Club - Northeastern University Project Management Student Organization
Club - Northeastern University Wind Ensemble
Give Now Club - Northeastern University Wind Ensemble
Club - Northeastern’s Black Pre-Law Association
Give Now Club - Northeastern’s Black Pre-Law Association
Club - NU & Improv’d
Give Now Club - NU & Improv’d
Club - NU Acoustical Society of America
Give Now Club - NU Acoustical Society of America
Club - NU American Society of Engineering Management
Give Now Club - NU American Society of Engineering Management
Club - NU Breakers
Give Now Club - NU Breakers
Club - NU Buddhist Group
Give Now Club - NU Buddhist Group
Club - NU Chinese Student Association
Give Now Club - NU Chinese Student Association
Club - NU Debate Team
Give Now Club - NU Debate Team
Club - NU Downbeats
Give Now Club - NU Downbeats
Club - NU Economics Society
Give Now Club - NU Economics Society
Club - NU Emergency Medical Services Interest Group
Give Now Club - NU Emergency Medical Services Interest Group
Club - NU Hacks
Give Now Club - NU Hacks
Club - NU Madrigal Singers
Give Now Club - NU Madrigal Singers
Club - NU Marine Biology
Give Now Club - NU Marine Biology
Club - NU Mural Club
Give Now Club - NU Mural Club
Club - NU Nor’easters
Give Now Club - NU Nor’easters
Club - NU Orchestra
Give Now Club - NU Orchestra
Club - NU Photography
Give Now Club - NU Photography
Club - NU Political Review
Give Now Club - NU Political Review
Club - NU Pride
Give Now Club - NU Pride
Club - NU Real Estate Investment
Give Now Club - NU Real Estate Investment
Club - NU Science Magazine
Give Now Club - NU Science Magazine
Club - NU Sexual Health Advocacy, Resources and Education
Give Now Club - NU Sexual Health Advocacy, Resources and Education
Club - NU Stage Musical Theater Company
Give Now Club - NU Stage Musical Theater Company
Club - NU Students for Justice in Palestine
Give Now Club - NU Students for Justice in Palestine
Club - NU Television
Give Now Club - NU Television
Club - NUHope4Spandana
Give Now Club - NUHope4Spandana
Club - NUImpact
Give Now Club - NUImpact
Club - Null NEU
Give Now Club - Null NEU
Club - Oasis
Give Now Club - Oasis
Club - Operation Smile
Give Now Club - Operation Smile
Club - Origin
Give Now Club - Origin
Club - Orthodox Christian Fellowship
Give Now Club - Orthodox Christian Fellowship
Club - Out in Business
Give Now Club - Out in Business
Club - Out in STEM at Northeastern
Give Now Club - Out in STEM at Northeastern
Club - Pages for Pediatrics at Northeastern
Give Now Club - Pages for Pediatrics at Northeastern
Club - Pakistani Student Association
Give Now Club - Pakistani Student Association
Club - Panhellenic Council
Give Now Club - Panhellenic Council
Club - Peace Through Play
Give Now Club - Peace Through Play
Club - Pep Band
Give Now Club - Pep Band
Club - Perfect Pair at Northeastern University
Give Now Club - Perfect Pair at Northeastern University
Club - Phi Delta Epsilon
Give Now Club - Phi Delta Epsilon
Club - Phi Delta Phi
Give Now Club - Phi Delta Phi
Club - Physical Therapy Club (Graduate)
Give Now Club - Physical Therapy Club (Graduate)
Club - PIH Engage
Give Now Club - PIH Engage
Club - Planeswalkers
Give Now Club - Planeswalkers
Club - Poker
Give Now Club - Poker
Club - Pre Physician Assistant Society
Give Now Club - Pre Physician Assistant Society
Club - Pre-Dental Association
Give Now Club - Pre-Dental Association
Club - Pre-MD/PHD Association
Give Now Club - Pre-MD/PHD Association
Club - Prehistoric Life Club
Give Now Club - Prehistoric Life Club
Club - Private Equity and Venture Capital
Give Now Club - Private Equity and Venture Capital
Club - Progressive Alliance
Give Now Club - Progressive Alliance
Club - Project Poetic Music
Give Now Club - Project Poetic Music
Club - Project Sunshine: NEU Chapter
Give Now Club - Project Sunshine: NEU Chapter
Club - Psychedelic of Northeastern
Give Now Club - Psychedelic of Northeastern
Club - Puerto Rican Student Association
Give Now Club - Puerto Rican Student Association
Club - Quantum Community
Give Now Club - Quantum Community
Club - Queer Caucus
Give Now Club - Queer Caucus
Club - Quiz Bowl
Give Now Club - Quiz Bowl
Club - Rangila Rhythms
Give Now Club - Rangila Rhythms
Club - Real Talks
Give Now Club - Real Talks
Club - Recess Room
Give Now Club - Recess Room
Club - Recreational Climbing
Give Now Club - Recreational Climbing
Club - ReNU
Give Now Club - ReNU
Club - Researchers of Neuroscience
Give Now Club - Researchers of Neuroscience
Club - Rev
Give Now Club - Rev
Club - Revolve
Give Now Club - Revolve
Club - Rho Chi Beta Tau Chapter
Give Now Club - Rho Chi Beta Tau Chapter
Club - Roxbury Robotics
Give Now Club - Roxbury Robotics
Club - Rural Health Initiatives
Give Now Club - Rural Health Initiatives
Club - Russian-Speaking
Give Now Club - Russian-Speaking
Club - Sandbox
Give Now Club - Sandbox
Club - Sanskriti
Give Now Club - Sanskriti
Club - Scandinavian Student Association
Give Now Club - Scandinavian Student Association
Club - Scholars of Finance
Give Now Club - Scholars of Finance
Club - Science Club For Girls
Give Now Club - Science Club For Girls
Club - Secular Humanist Society
Give Now Club - Secular Humanist Society
Club - Sewing Club
Give Now Club - Sewing Club
Club - Sexual Assault Response Coalition
Give Now Club - Sexual Assault Response Coalition
Club - Shakespeare Society
Give Now Club - Shakespeare Society
Club - SHRM Student Chapter
Give Now Club - SHRM Student Chapter
Club - Sikh Students Association at Northeastern
Give Now Club - Sikh Students Association at Northeastern
Club - Silver Masque
Give Now Club - Silver Masque
Club - Sisters in Solidarity
Give Now Club - Sisters in Solidarity
Club - Skateboarders of Northeastern
Give Now Club - Skateboarders of Northeastern
Club - Slow Food NU
Give Now Club - Slow Food NU
Club - Smash Bros Club
Give Now Club - Smash Bros Club
Club - Snowboarding
Give Now Club - Snowboarding
Club - Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music And Culture Amongst Youth
Give Now Club - Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music And Culture Amongst Youth
Club - Society of Hispanic Professionals & Engineers
Give Now Club - Society of Hispanic Professionals & Engineers
Club - Society of Physics Students
Give Now Club - Society of Physics Students
Club - Society of Women Engineers
Give Now Club - Society of Women Engineers
Club - Solar Decathlon
Give Now Club - Solar Decathlon
Club - Somali Students Association
Give Now Club - Somali Students Association
Club - Songwriting
Give Now Club - Songwriting
Club - South Asian Student Organization
Give Now Club - South Asian Student Organization
Club - Spark
Give Now Club - Spark
Club - Spectrum Magazine
Give Now Club - Spectrum Magazine
Club - Speech Language and Hearing Association
Give Now Club - Speech Language and Hearing Association
Club - Splash at Northeastern
Give Now Club - Splash at Northeastern
Club - Spoon University
Give Now Club - Spoon University
Club - Sports Business & Innovation Network
Give Now Club - Sports Business & Innovation Network
Club - STEMout
Give Now Club - STEMout
Club - Stepping on Another Level
Give Now Club - Stepping on Another Level
Club - Strong Women Strong Girls
Give Now Club - Strong Women Strong Girls
Club - Student Affiliates in School Psychology
Give Now Club - Student Affiliates in School Psychology
Club - Student Alliance for Prison Reform
Give Now Club - Student Alliance for Prison Reform
Club - Student Alumni Ambassadors
Give Now Club - Student Alumni Ambassadors
Club - Student Bar Association
Give Now Club - Student Bar Association
Club - Student Garden
Give Now Club - Student Garden
Club - Student Government Association
Give Now Club - Student Government Association
Club - Student National Pharmaceutical Association
Give Now Club - Student National Pharmaceutical Association
Club - Student Nurse Anesthetist Association
Give Now Club - Student Nurse Anesthetist Association
Club - Student Nurses Association
Give Now Club - Student Nurses Association
Club - Student Organ Donation Advocates at Northeastern
Give Now Club - Student Organ Donation Advocates at Northeastern
Club - Student Value Fund
Give Now Club - Student Value Fund
Club - Student Veterans Organization
Give Now Club - Student Veterans Organization
Club - Students Demand Action at NEU
Give Now Club - Students Demand Action at NEU
Club - Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS)
Give Now Club - Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS)
Club - Students to Seniors
Give Now Club - Students to Seniors
Club - Studio Art
Give Now Club - Studio Art
Club - Sunrise Northeastern
Give Now Club - Sunrise Northeastern
Club - Supply Chain Management
Give Now Club - Supply Chain Management
Club - Survivor
Give Now Club - Survivor
Club - Sustainable Building Organization
Give Now Club - Sustainable Building Organization
Club - Sustainable Innovation Network
Give Now Club - Sustainable Innovation Network
Club - Sustainable Transportation @ Northeastern (STAN)
Give Now Club - Sustainable Transportation @ Northeastern (STAN)
Club - Suzanne B. Greenberg Physician Assistant Student Society
Give Now Club - Suzanne B. Greenberg Physician Assistant Student Society
Club - Systematic Alpha
Give Now Club - Systematic Alpha
Club - Tabletop Roleplaying Society
Give Now Club - Tabletop Roleplaying Society
Club - Taiwanese American Student Association
Give Now Club - Taiwanese American Student Association
Club - Taiwanese Student Association
Give Now Club - Taiwanese Student Association
Club - TAMID Group
Give Now Club - TAMID Group
Club - Tastemakers Magazine
Give Now Club - Tastemakers Magazine
Club - TEDxNortheasternU
Give Now Club - TEDxNortheasternU
Club - Terra Society
Give Now Club - Terra Society
Club - Thai Society
Give Now Club - Thai Society
Club - The American Red Cross
Give Now Club - The American Red Cross
Club - The Avenue Magazine
Give Now Club - The Avenue Magazine
Club - The END Initiative
Give Now Club - The END Initiative
Club - The Happiness Cup
Give Now Club - The Happiness Cup
Club - the interrobang poets
Give Now Club - the interrobang poets
Club - The Libre Software Advocacy Group
Give Now Club - The Libre Software Advocacy Group
Club - The NU Chapter of Latinas Promoviendo Comunidad / Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc.
Give Now Club - The NU Chapter of Latinas Promoviendo Comunidad / Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc.
Club - The Ortelian Society
Give Now Club - The Ortelian Society
Club - The Red and Black
Give Now Club - The Red and Black
Club - The Sports Analytics
Give Now Club - The Sports Analytics
Club - The Student Osteopathic Medical Association
Give Now Club - The Student Osteopathic Medical Association
Club - The Wellness Project
Give Now Club - The Wellness Project
Club - The Women’s Network
Give Now Club - The Women’s Network
Club - Theme Park Engineering Club
Give Now Club - Theme Park Engineering Club
Club - Times New Roman
Give Now Club - Times New Roman
Club - Toastmasters
Give Now Club - Toastmasters
Club - Trash2Treasure
Give Now Club - Trash2Treasure
Club - Treble on Huntington A Cappella Group
Give Now Club - Treble on Huntington A Cappella Group
Club - Turkish Student Association
Give Now Club - Turkish Student Association
Club - Ukrainian Cultural
Give Now Club - Ukrainian Cultural
Club - Undergraduate Global Health Initiative
Give Now Club - Undergraduate Global Health Initiative
Club - Undergraduate Law Review
Give Now Club - Undergraduate Law Review
Club - Undergraduate Speech and Hearing
Give Now Club - Undergraduate Speech and Hearing
Give Now Club - UNICEF
Club - Unicycling at Northeastern Club
Give Now Club - Unicycling at Northeastern Club
Club - Unisons All-Male A Capella
Give Now Club - Unisons All-Male A Capella
Club - United Against Trafficking
Give Now Club - United Against Trafficking
Club - Vietnamese Student Association
Give Now Club - Vietnamese Student Association
Club - Virtual Reality Organization
Give Now Club - Virtual Reality Organization
Club - West Coast Swing
Give Now Club - West Coast Swing
Club - Wildlife/Ecology
Give Now Club - Wildlife/Ecology
Club - Wireless
Give Now Club - Wireless
Club - WISE
Give Now Club - WISE
Club - Women in Business
Give Now Club - Women in Business
Club - Women in Economics
Give Now Club - Women in Economics
Club - Women in Music Northeastern
Give Now Club - Women in Music Northeastern
Club - Women in Technology
Give Now Club - Women in Technology
Club - Women in the Enterprise of Science and Technology at Northeastern
Give Now Club - Women in the Enterprise of Science and Technology at Northeastern
Club - Women’s Run
Give Now Club - Women’s Run
Club - Woof Magazine
Give Now Club - Woof Magazine
Club - WRBB
Give Now Club - WRBB
Club - Young Democratic Socialists of America at Northeastern University
Give Now Club - Young Democratic Socialists of America at Northeastern University
Club - Zeta Beta Tau: Gamma Psi Chapter
Give Now Club - Zeta Beta Tau: Gamma Psi Chapter
Club - Zine Lab
Give Now Club - Zine Lab
Club Sports - Archery
Give Now Club Sports - Archery
Club Sports - Badminton
Give Now Club Sports - Badminton
Club Sports - Baseball
Give Now Club Sports - Baseball
Club Sports - Cheerleading
Give Now Club Sports - Cheerleading
Club Sports - Co-ed Golf
Give Now Club Sports - Co-ed Golf
Club Sports - Cricket Team
Give Now Club Sports - Cricket Team
Club Sports - Cycling
Give Now Club Sports - Cycling
Club Sports - Dance Team
Give Now Club Sports - Dance Team
Club Sports - Equestrian Team
Give Now Club Sports - Equestrian Team
Club Sports - eSports
Give Now Club Sports - eSports
Club Sports - Field Hockey
Give Now Club Sports - Field Hockey
Club Sports - Figure Skating
Give Now Club Sports - Figure Skating
Club Sports - Gymnastics
Give Now Club Sports - Gymnastics
Club Sports - Inline Hockey
Give Now Club Sports - Inline Hockey
Club Sports - Men’s Alpine Skiing
Give Now Club Sports - Men’s Alpine Skiing
Club Sports - Men’s Basketball
Give Now Club Sports - Men’s Basketball
Club Sports - Men’s Ice Hockey
Give Now Club Sports - Men’s Ice Hockey
Club Sports - Men’s Lacrosse
Give Now Club Sports - Men’s Lacrosse
Club Sports - Men’s Powerlifting
Give Now Club Sports - Men’s Powerlifting
Club Sports - Men’s Rugby
Give Now Club Sports - Men’s Rugby
Club Sports - Men’s Rugby 7’s
Give Now Club Sports - Men’s Rugby 7’s
Club Sports - Men’s Soccer
Give Now Club Sports - Men’s Soccer
Club Sports - Men’s Squash
Give Now Club Sports - Men’s Squash
Club Sports - Men’s Swimming
Give Now Club Sports - Men’s Swimming
Club Sports - Men’s Tennis
Give Now Club Sports - Men’s Tennis
Club Sports - Men’s Ultimate Frisbee
Give Now Club Sports - Men’s Ultimate Frisbee
Club Sports - Men’s Volleyball
Give Now Club Sports - Men’s Volleyball
Club Sports - Rock Climbing
Give Now Club Sports - Rock Climbing
Club Sports - Running
Give Now Club Sports - Running
Club Sports - Sailing Coed
Give Now Club Sports - Sailing Coed
Club Sports - Table Tennis
Give Now Club Sports - Table Tennis
Club Sports - Trap and Skeet
Give Now Club Sports - Trap and Skeet
Club Sports - Triathlon
Give Now Club Sports - Triathlon
Club Sports - Women’s Alpine Skiing
Give Now Club Sports - Women’s Alpine Skiing
Club Sports - Women’s Basketball
Give Now Club Sports - Women’s Basketball
Club Sports - Women’s Hockey
Give Now Club Sports - Women’s Hockey
Club Sports - Women’s Lacrosse
Give Now Club Sports - Women’s Lacrosse
Club Sports - Women’s Powerlifting
Give Now Club Sports - Women’s Powerlifting
Club Sports - Women’s Rugby
Give Now Club Sports - Women’s Rugby
Club Sports - Women’s Rugby 7’s
Give Now Club Sports - Women’s Rugby 7’s
Club Sports - Women’s Sailing
Give Now Club Sports - Women’s Sailing
Club Sports - Women’s Soccer
Give Now Club Sports - Women’s Soccer
Club Sports - Women’s Softball
Give Now Club Sports - Women’s Softball
Club Sports - Women’s Squash
Give Now Club Sports - Women’s Squash
Club Sports - Women’s Swimming
Give Now Club Sports - Women’s Swimming
Club Sports - Women’s Tennis
Give Now Club Sports - Women’s Tennis
Club Sports - Women’s Ultimate Frisbee
Give Now Club Sports - Women’s Ultimate Frisbee
Club Sports - Women’s Volleyball
Give Now Club Sports - Women’s Volleyball
Club Sports - Women’s Water Polo
Give Now Club Sports - Women’s Water Polo
Club Sports - Wrestling
Give Now Club Sports - Wrestling
Club – Huntington United Ski Club
Give Now Club – Huntington United Ski Club
Club – Japanese Culture
Give Now Club – Japanese Culture
Club – Northeastern University Pharmacy Student Alliance
Give Now Club – Northeastern University Pharmacy Student Alliance
Club – Pinky Swear PACK
Give Now Club – Pinky Swear PACK
Club – ViTAL: Northeastern’s Healthcare Innovation Core
Give Now Club – ViTAL: Northeastern’s Healthcare Innovation Core
Disability Resource Center Student Equipment Expendable Fund
Give Now Disability Resource Center Student Equipment Expendable Fund
Engineers Without Borders, Northeastern Chapter
Give Now Engineers Without Borders, Northeastern Chapter
Fraternity - Alpha Epsilon Pi - Sigma Kappa Psi
Give Now Fraternity - Alpha Epsilon Pi - Sigma Kappa Psi
Fraternity - Alpha Kappa Sigma
Give Now Fraternity - Alpha Kappa Sigma
Fraternity - Beta Theta Pi
Give Now Fraternity - Beta Theta Pi
Fraternity - Delta Kappa Epsilon
Give Now Fraternity - Delta Kappa Epsilon
Fraternity - Delta Tau Delta
Give Now Fraternity - Delta Tau Delta
Fraternity - Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical
Give Now Fraternity - Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical
Fraternity - Kappa Sigma
Give Now Fraternity - Kappa Sigma
Fraternity - Lambda Alpha Upsilon
Give Now Fraternity - Lambda Alpha Upsilon
Fraternity - Lambda Phi Epsilon, Inc.
Give Now Fraternity - Lambda Phi Epsilon, Inc.
Fraternity - Phi Alpha Delta
Give Now Fraternity - Phi Alpha Delta
Fraternity - Phi Beta Sigma
Give Now Fraternity - Phi Beta Sigma
Fraternity - Phi Delta Chi
Give Now Fraternity - Phi Delta Chi
Fraternity - Phi Delta Theta
Give Now Fraternity - Phi Delta Theta
Fraternity - Phi Gamma Delta
Give Now Fraternity - Phi Gamma Delta
Fraternity - Pi Kappa Phi
Give Now Fraternity - Pi Kappa Phi
Fraternity - Sigma Beta Rho
Give Now Fraternity - Sigma Beta Rho
Give Now Hillel
Honor Society - Alpha Epsilon Delta
Give Now Honor Society - Alpha Epsilon Delta
Honor Society - Beta Alpha Psi
Give Now Honor Society - Beta Alpha Psi
Honor Society - Beta Beta Beta
Give Now Honor Society - Beta Beta Beta
Honor Society - Chi Epsilon
Give Now Honor Society - Chi Epsilon
Honor Society - Eta Kappa Nu
Give Now Honor Society - Eta Kappa Nu
Honor Society - Kappa Kappa Psi
Give Now Honor Society - Kappa Kappa Psi
Honor Society - Nu Rho Psi - Neuroscience
Give Now Honor Society - Nu Rho Psi - Neuroscience
Honor Society - Omega Chi Epsilon
Give Now Honor Society - Omega Chi Epsilon
Honor Society - Phi Lambda Sigma
Give Now Honor Society - Phi Lambda Sigma
Honor Society - Sigma Delta Pi
Give Now Honor Society - Sigma Delta Pi
Honor Society - Sigma Xi
Give Now Honor Society - Sigma Xi
Honor Society - Tau Beta Pi
Give Now Honor Society - Tau Beta Pi
Honors Society - Lambda Kappa Sigma
Give Now Honors Society - Lambda Kappa Sigma
Jewish Campus Life
Give Now Jewish Campus Life
Give Now LGBTQA Center
National Student Nurses’ Association Fund
Give Now National Student Nurses’ Association Fund
Northeastern University Social Justice Fund
Give Now Northeastern University Social Justice Fund
NU Student-Athletes for Equity Coalition Fund
Give Now NU Student-Athletes for Equity Coalition Fund
Peer Tutoring Program
Give Now Peer Tutoring Program
SGA Green Initiative Fund
Give Now SGA Green Initiative Fund
Sorority - Alpha Chi Omega
Give Now Sorority - Alpha Chi Omega
Sorority - Alpha Epsilon Phi
Give Now Sorority - Alpha Epsilon Phi
Sorority - Alpha Kappa Alpha
Give Now Sorority - Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority - Chi Omega
Give Now Sorority - Chi Omega
Sorority - Delta Phi Epsilon
Give Now Sorority - Delta Phi Epsilon
Sorority - Delta Sigma Theta
Give Now Sorority - Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority - Delta Zeta, Xi Upsilon
Give Now Sorority - Delta Zeta, Xi Upsilon
Sorority - Kappa Delta
Give Now Sorority - Kappa Delta
Sorority - Kappa Phi Lambda
Give Now Sorority - Kappa Phi Lambda
Sorority - Omega Phi Beta - Pi Chapter
Give Now Sorority - Omega Phi Beta - Pi Chapter
Sorority - Phi Sigma Rho
Give Now Sorority - Phi Sigma Rho
Sorority - Sigma Delta Tau, Gamma Mu
Give Now Sorority - Sigma Delta Tau, Gamma Mu
Sorority - Sigma Kappa
Give Now Sorority - Sigma Kappa
Sorority - Sigma Psi Zeta / SAPPHIRES
Give Now Sorority - Sigma Psi Zeta / SAPPHIRES
Sorority - Sigma Sigma Sigma
Give Now Sorority - Sigma Sigma Sigma
Sorority - Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc
Give Now Sorority - Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc
Student Activities Fund
Give Now Student Activities Fund
Student Affairs General Fund
Give Now Student Affairs General Fund
The Huntington 100 Fund
Give Now The Huntington 100 Fund
The Husky Ambassador Fund
Give Now The Husky Ambassador Fund
Track Club Support Fund
Give Now Track Club Support Fund
UHCS OPEN Emergency Fund
Give Now UHCS OPEN Emergency Fund
University Honors Program
Give Now University Honors Program
 Club - Science Book Club
Give Now  Club - Science Book Club