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Club - Husky Competitive Programming

The Husky Competitive Programming Club seeks to provide a group for students interested in the competitive side of Computer Science / coding a place to make friends, meet teammates, and work together on problem sets both for practice and actual competition. 

 In competitive programming, small teams of around 3 people work on solving a problem set both better and faster then the other times in the time allocated. In person competitions usually have 1 computer per team and allow any reference materials to be prepared in advance. Online competition are often a bit more lax. HCPC would like to provide a space for teams to meet up and work on these online competitions while also working as one big team to ensure group success. We would also love the chance to travel together to in person competitions with teams from Northeastern. Websites such as CodeForces, USACO, and HackerRank often host competitions. If you’re still unsure please give them a look.