Club - Latin American Law Student Association

(a) LALSA adheres to the following additional purposes:
(1) The Purpose of the Association is to articulate and to promote the needs and goals of Latin@ Law Students and all its members through support, advocacy, and professional development;
(2) To focus upon the relationship of Latin@ Law Students to the American legal structure and Latin@ community;
(3) To enhance and create a well-established highway of communication among the community of Latin@ Attorneys and the law students.
(4) To foster the exchange of ideas and promote a deeper understanding of the legal, political, and social status of Latin@s in society.
(5) To instill in the Latin@ Attorney and Law Student a greater awareness of and commitment to the needs of the Latin@ community,
(6) To influence the legal community to bring about meaningful change to meet the needs of the Latin@ community,
(7) To do all things necessary and appropriate to accomplish these purposes.