Sorority - Alpha Kappa Alpha

On June 8, 1974, fifteen women chartered the Iota Gamma chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. at Northeastern. Following the legacy of their chartering sorors, Iota Gamma has solidified its place as an essential figure at Northeastern. Past programming included the legendary Black History Quiz Bowl and the Roland E. Latham Oratory Competition, two programs with over 15 years of rich history co-sponsored by the Northeastern University African American Institute. In previous years The Iota Gamma Chapter Book Award, named for Ivy Beyond the Wall Francine Little Fosky, was given to a freshman and an undergraduate at Northeastern University. It is through substantive programming and heartfelt community service that the chapter continues to solidify its place as an essential aspect of the Northeastern University community.
The Iota Gamma chapter has engaged in community service initiatives that greatly benefit the Greater Boston community. Members of the Iota Gamma chapter has spent many weekends at the Edgar P. Benjamin Healthcare Center; the only Black owned nursing home in Massachusetts, bringing joy to its elderly residents. Our interactions with the residents at the Benjamin Center include but are not limited to: conversations on life and health, bingo, and card games. The Iota Gamma chapter has also dedicated time to the Mary McLeod Bethune Institute for young women and programs for pregnant teens and teen mothers such as Aswalos House and The Harvard Street Neighborhood Health Center.