Club - Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Student Council

The purpose of Civil & Environmental Engineering Graduate Student Council (CEE GSC) is to enhance visibility of resources and create a greater sense of community within the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. We aim to be a bridge that unifies all CEE concentrations in a way that fosters fellowship - collaborate in academic and non-academic settings through sharing of cultures, research, and general interests.
CEE GSC organizes a series of recurring events that include but are not limited to social functions, cultural functions, and informational sessions. Social functions include game nights and socials that bring together students for food and games, typically around the holiday periods (e.g. Semester Kick-off, Valentines Day, Halloween, Finals Week, etc). Examples of cultural functions are the celebration of Chinese New Year and Holi, where students are encouraged to bring food and share the importance of such events. Informational sessions include dispersal of information between students and administrative staff that result in town halls and new student question and answer sessions. All events create a more unified, friendly, and well-functioning department and CEE GSC provides a way for all members of our community to come together and establish lifelong friendships and resources.
In addition, we serve as an informational avenue to communicate the needs of the student body to department administrators and faculty/staff. Through all of our events, we are able to listen to questions and concerns brought by students and convey them in a way where change can be effective, whether that is being a resource, connecting the correct parties, or supporting with follow up action items. An example is student concern about programming abilities, which has resulted in reoccurring programming workshops.