Club - Trash2Treasure

Trash2Treasure has one primary mission: to help Northeastern University become a zero-waste campus. This can be achieved by a number of programs set forth by T2T – most notably, the annual T2T Sale. Every year during Spring move-out, T2T collects items from students that they would otherwise throw away (anywhere from electronics to rugs to kitchen utensils). Then, at the beginning of the Fall semester, all of the items are sold in a yard-sale fashion at incredibly low prices. This event alone saved 7,979 pounds of items from being sent to a landfill. In addition, 300 lb of food was donated to the Greater Boston Food Bank and 260 55-gallon bags of clothing was donated. In addition, we know collect items at the end of the Fall semester and host a sale during the beginning of the spring semester. Our newest event is Sustainability week, which is a week dedicated to educating our peers in how to live a sustainable life through fun events.