Club - Intervarsity MultiEthnic Christian Fellowship

Our vision is to foster a community that gives every corner of Northeastern an opportunity to explore Jesus, be transformed, and change the world! We want to see all – cynics, seekers, followers, leaders – welcomed, loved, challenged, and changed together, for the good of Northeastern and the world. We are an excited group of students who want to: 1. Be a diverse community growing together in love, faith, and knowledge of Jesus Christ. 2. See the power of Christ transform the lives of students at Northeastern holistically, spiritually, emotionally, intellectually. 3. Promote dialogue and be a safe and open place for all wanting to grow deeper in the knowledge and understanding of Jesus Christ and his teachings, regardless of one’s spiritual background. 4. Promote the biblical basis for ethnic and racial reconciliation. 5. Engage in issues surrounding poverty through local and global outreach and service opportunities.