Club - Innovators for Global Health

NU IGH is composed of three different groups that work together to achieve our organizations goals. These groups include our design, STEM outreach, and Campus to Country groups.
Our design group is dedicated to designing and prototyping low-cost, sustainable medical devices tailored to the needs of low-resource hospitals in the developing world. Our STEM outreach group strives to educate the Boston community about Global health issues through classroom activities and workshops as well as through our annual Global Health Innovation Summit.
Finally, our Campus to country group is dedicated to establishing and maintaining our international partnerships as well as sending students abroad on our service trips. We are currently partnered with St. Paul’s Hospital in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Students that go on our trips get the opportunity to work alongside biomedical engineers, technicians, and clinicians to assess the needs of our partner hospital and work to develop long-term solutions to the problems we identify. In addition we teach workshops geared towards providing local technicians with the basic principle of medical device design.