Club - International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM)

iGEM is a worldwide annual competition that allows undergraduates to design and create innovative approaches for a better future through synthetic biology. Ranging from new therapeutic techniques to coming up with solutions to biological environmental issues, iGEM provides an opportunity for students to carry out pioneering research and be recognized by professionals from across the world.
Students spend the whole summer working on their research, computing and analyzing the resulting data, and programming a Wiki website, mastering the skills necessary for scientists in a real workplace. The participating teams are also presented with the chance to travel for the Great Jamboree, one of the most important global synthetic biology gatherings. The Great Jamboree, held last year for the first time ever in Paris, brings together over 3,500 synthetic biology researchers, industry investors, startups, and policy makers from all over the world to witness new ideas for humanity’s most pressing problems such as the climate crisis, food security, human health, biomanufacturing and more. iGEMers go on to create companies and synthetic biology programs at universities contributing to groundbreaking research by applying engineering principles to biology.
All donations will go towards sponsoring the Northeastern team with any lab supplies, travel expenses, and registration fees!