Club - Encounter Every Nation Campus Ministries

Encounter is a group that seeks to Encounter God, His Love, and His gifts and to help others do the same. Based out of small groups, we build families of God-centered people so they may feel connected and supported in Northeastern, Boston, and beyond. The Bible says that when two or more are gathered in His name, He communes with us. Our groups center on the Bible and it’s Gospel - or Good News - and seek to 1.Encourage Christians and non-Christians in learning about the gifts of the spirit and encountering God through Biblical teaching, 2. Engage students in Gospel-centered conversations and help people encounter the Good News through small group discussion, and 3. Equip students to continually grow and adapt to the progression of campus life at all stages through mentorship and community. We are always open to people from all faith backgrounds, all places, and all walks of life. Encounter longs to bring people home.