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Dean’s Message.

Thank you for your interest in the D’Amore-McKim School of Business!

As the Dunton Family Dean, it is my honor and privilege to welcome you to our vibrant community, in which passion is a central driver in everything we do to create long-lasting impact. D’Amore-McKim is over 100 years old and has never stopped learning. This learning mindset, combined with an entrepreneurial spirit, our commitment to experiential education, and our motivation to excel, characterizes and drives our professors, staff, and students in their research and teaching efforts.

As an important part of the vibrant Northeastern University network, we are a business school driven by curiosity. We explore and identify significant corporate and societal business challenges while delivering creative solutions that bring long-term and sustainable value to all stakeholders. Our firm commitment to embracing curiosity makes us a strong, research-driven school that seeks to create impact not only in academic circles but even more so around the world. A unique aspect of D’Amore-McKim is that we cross borders by thinking across disciplines and encouraging collaborations across scientific fields, all intending to address and tackle current and future global challenges. With our 13 campuses in three different countries, our school achieves this cross-border thinking in mind and in person, as we educate, conduct research, and live and learn across our network of campuses.

This global and interdisciplinary focus empowers us to better prepare our students to address the future challenges and opportunities that await them in the field. The ambition to make our students “future-proof” requires us to prepare them for workplaces where AI and other emerging technologies will drive successful businesses. In the face of these challenges, it will also be essential for us to think, anticipate, and make business decisions in responsible and ethical ways while we explore and employ these tools of the future.

Thus, I invite you to join me in embracing the goal of educating our students as responsible global business leaders who can work, decide, navigate, and create in a digital world, and I ask you to celebrate with me the surety with which I know that D’Amore-McKim is the optimal place to do this for the very reasons I have outlined above. With this mission in mind, I, therefore, pledge to be dedicated to your success as both a business professional and a citizen of the world who is wholly committed to these values and this purpose.

I look forward to welcoming you to our community and sharing our passion, enthusiasm, and drive to build the “Global Business School for Tomorrow.”

David De Cremer

Dunton Family Dean and Professor of Management
D’Amore-McKim School of Business
Northeastern University

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