As a Northeastern employee, past or present, you’re one of the university’s greatest assets and advocates.
As a member of Northeastern’s faculty or staff, you invest your time and talent in the university and our students every day. When you extend your contributions to include philanthropy, you express your belief in the university’s mission and its future.
Giving is Easy
Many employees choose to give through payroll deduction, which automatically deducts your gift from your paycheck in the amount and time frame you specify.
You can set up a payroll deduction here, or download a paper form for submission here. Want to get it done today? Give online using our Fund Explorer and online giving form.
Increase the Value of your Gift
If your spouse’s company participates in a matching gift program, you can double or even triple your contribution to Northeastern.
Simply enclose the company’s matching gift form, which is typically available on the company’s website, along with your check made payable to Northeastern University.
Gifts to Northeastern are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of state and federal laws. To explore the tax implications of your donation, please consult a tax adviser and/or legal counsel.
If you would like your giving to remain anonymous, please contact Charlotte Troyanowski at