Institute on Race and Justice

The Institute on Race and Justice at Northeastern University, (IRJ), is an interdisciplinary academic center, involving the College of Social Sciences and Humanities, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Department of African American Studies, Department of Sociology & Anthropology and the School of Law, which engages in research and scholarship that examines the influence of race on important questions of social justice. Since 2001, IRJ has been founded upon the premise that academic institutions can, and should, provide rigorous, objective information and resources to be used by members of the community and other stakeholders to make policy changes that advance social justice. IRJ aspires to produce social justice research of the highest quality examining how race influences institutional policies, specifically within criminal justice and education, and how this affects urban communities. Our research is conducted by a team of academics from multiple disciplines, in concert with community partners, law enforcement and government agencies, and students.