Department of Public Health and Health Sciences Fund

The purpose of this fund is to provide support for the priorities of the Department of Public Health and Health Sciences. The Department of Public Health and Health Sciences provides world-class undergraduate and graduate education in a broad range of public health and clinical careers that promote the health and well-being of individuals, communities, and populations with attention to culturally diverse contexts. Our faculty and students conduct cutting edge research to learn about the etiology of health risk and protective behaviors; to assess health behavior accurately using technology-based tools, prevent negative health outcomes; and eliminate health disparities. The Department is a unique, transdisciplinary setting that incorporates teaching, learning, and serving in a rapidly evolving, multicultural environment.
The Department of Public Health and Health Sciences currently has two high priorities for this fund:
1. The Prof. Steve Zoloth Excellence in Undergraduate Research Award. Beginning in Spring 2025, the Zoloth Award will recognize undergraduate students with outstanding potential for research training. The Award will fund training expenses including pilot data collection and travel to conferences to enable these exceptional students to present the results of their research.
2. Experiential Education Support. While the vast majority of co-ops taken by our students are for pay, a small minority of undergraduate co-ops and graduate-level practicums are offered by non-profit organizations in the Greater Boston area that are doing outstanding work to benefit public health but cannot afford to compensate students. Donations to this fund will provide stipends so that more students can take advantage of these outstanding training opportunities.