Civil & Environmental Engineering Fund

The purpose of this fund is to support the priorities of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Our program offers you world-class instruction in engineering design and practice, supported by our core technical areas and interdisciplinary research thrusts. We have a strategic focus on urban engineering, developing a new generation of solutions for complex urban regions. You may choose to focus your studies and deepen your area(s) of interest in one or more of the following:
- Construction management
- Data and systems
- Environmental engineering
- Geotechnical/GeoEnvironmental engineering
- Structures
- Transportation
- Water, environmental, and coastal systems
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Northeastern University has a range of teaching and research strengths, anchored by several multidisciplinary, multi-institutional centers and programs that are core to the activities of the department. Building on current strengths and expanding into new and vital areas, three overarching themes are identified, including:
- Environmental health
- Civil infrastructure security
- Sustainable resource engineering
We also have four premier departmental strengths in the following:
- Simulation (both computational and experimental)
- Smart sensing
- Data and network science
- Urban informatics